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Your Guide to Navigate the PLE QBank’s Practice Test Web App: It’s as easy as 1-2-3!

Embarking on a journey to conquer your PLE (Physician Licensing Examination) requires more than just textbooks and lecture notes. In the digital age, leveraging technology becomes imperative, and the PLE QBank’s Practice Test Web App is your secret weapon for success.

Navigating this powerful tool doesn't have to be a daunting task; in fact, it's as easy as 1-2-3! In this comprehensive guide, we'll walk you through the ins and outs of the PLE QBank's Practice Test Web App, unlocking its full potential to propel you toward exam excellence. So, buckle up as we unravel the key steps to harnessing this invaluable resource and making your exam preparation journey a seamless and effective one. Let's dive in!

How to access all the practice test questions

Step 1: Get a subscription

First and foremost, you will need a subscription. You can choose from the three options that you can find on Plans & Pricing page of PLE QBank website:

Once you have selected the type of membership you prefer, you'll be brought to the secured checkout page. You can use a credit or debit card to pay online. (For GCash payment method, there is a separate URL where you can submit your order form)

Step 2: Familiarize the dashboard

Now that you have full access to the programs on the website through a paid subscription, you will now get your own Dashboard, and you can access it by clicking your name on the top right part of the screen:

Your name is a dropdown button that shows the following options:

When you select the option PROFILE, you will be directed to your PROFILE page where you can also see the same options (and more) from the previous dropdown button. This is basically your dashboard where you can find details about your subscription, programs enrolled, etc.

Now, you can select the option MY PROGRAMS to see what programs you are enrolled and the status of each.

For new account, this page on your dashboard will be empty. You will need to join the programs by visiting PROGRAM LIST:

Tip: The best way to avoid being overwhelmed with the number of practice tests available on the website:join the program that you are currently studying or reviewing.

Let's say on the first week, you are studying Gross Anatomy. You can join Gross Anatomy program at the beginning of your week so you can do a pre-review practice test. By the end of the first week, do a post-review practice test.

On the second week, you are scheduled to take Microanatomy. Join the Microanatomy program again at the beginning of the week and just like previous week, try to do a pre-review practice test and a post-review practice test.

Do the same process to the rest of the subjects.

Step 3: Navigate the Program Pages

Each program has their own page (it's a way to make sure you are only focused on one subject at a time).

As mentioned from the previous step, you need to JOIN the program so you can get to the page where you will answer the timed practice test. Once you have successfully joined, you will see a page like this:

There is a menu on the left side of your screen and that is the guide on where you are in the program. The typical steps are: practice test question followed by practice test answer explanations.

Step 4: Answer the practice test

When you click the START button on the bottom part of the screen, the web app will load on your screen and you can begin the timed practice test.

When you click the START button, there is a prompt asking for name and email. This is a way to make sure your answer choices in the app gets delivered to your email.

Once the name and email address are submitted, you get to see the questions in this format:

You also have the option to make the screen black by clicking the dial at the bottom right:

It is recommended that before you click START, you are in a quiet environment with no to little distractions and equipped with a mind that imagines this is the REAL board exam. Though it is just a practice, take it as an advantage to work on the mindset you want to manifest on the actual PLE day/s.

Step 5: Review the Answer Explanation

Once you've completed the first step, you can now access the next step (which is previously locked for the purpose of not seeing the answers before you take the test) *blink

And you will see a screen like this:

And that's it! You can explore other programs with the same steps listed above! If you feel stuck or have a question in mind, we are here to support you! Email us at - we respond as soon as we can (like within 24 hours!)

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